Last week my Summer came to an end as I began a new journey in my life, going to school. Mommy and Daddy toured over 12 different "day care" options for me and they felt the one they picked was the best fit for us. I'm such a big girl I didn't even cry when they dropped me off on the first day. The teachers at school told Mommy that I'm usually pretty happy and that I like to play and "talk" to the other babies. Imagine that, I'm a social butterfly! Here's a picture we took before we left the house for my first day of school.
This week I also had my 6 month old well baby check-up. Here are my current stats:
Weight: 14 lbs 12.8 ounces (20th percentile for weight)
Height: 27 1/4 inches long (90th percentile for height)