Happy Halloween!

After a trying week (Mommy, Daddy, and I have all been sick) we were all finally well enough to celebrate Halloween. Mommy kept me home from school today so I could rest up for my busy afternoon and evening. Did I mention that I'm on the move now? Mommy is figuring out fast that she can't take her eyes off of me. I hit the jackpot when I found a basket full of toys in our living room.
At school I was in my first parade. My class dressed up as pumpkins. Mr. Rusty (one of my school's owners) carried me in the parade. Here are pictures of me with my teachers, Ms. Jane, Ms. Kyla, and Ms. Hayley.

After the parade Mommy and Daddy wanted to take my pictures in a fall setting. Since it was over 80 degrees today and I have an ear infection, they opted for Calloways Nursery which has an indoor greenhouse. I was tired and hot so the pictures didn't come out exactly how we wanted them to however I enjoyed all of the pretty colors. Halloween night I put on my cow costume and let Mommy and Daddy take my picture. The costume only lasted about 15 minutes because I got too hot. Mommy put my Halloween kitty shirt and kitty ears on to answer the door for trick-or-treaters. I enjoyed seeing all of the kiddos in their costumes.


What a cute trick or treat Elmo you have, Lily! Just think, next year you'll be able to walk around with it and get your Aunt Megan lots of candy!

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