Have Teeth, Will Bite!
This involves trying out new food.
This weekend I had nuggets and fries at Chick-fil-a; bread, chocolate cake, and ice cream at Johnny Carinos; and cheese, chicken sticks, and Goldfish crackers at home.
Not only am I learning how to eat with my new teeth, I've also learned that I can bite things...or people with them!
Now I know what you're thinking...not that sweet, innocent, angel. Think again! Mommy had to meet with the Director at my school because I bit two different kids in my class, two days in a row.
Although it's pretty unbelievable to Mommy and Daddy, they feel there could be several reasons.
One reason could be that I'm having a difficult time adjusting to being back at school full-time.
I got to spend a lot of quality time with Mommy the last two months and now I'm at school close to 10 hours a day.
Also I'm getting in THREE teeth. Maybe I just need something to bite into to ease my pain?
Daddy says that I may just be annoyed with the new little brats ( I mean babies) in my class. Either way, we're all working on being nicer and not biting anything other than FOOD, like Goldfish!