I'm Such a Big Girl!
Mommy has been telling me for a while and with my birthday coming up this week, I guess it's true, I am a big girl, not a baby.
Over the last few weeks I've been walking more and more, up to eight steps all by myself without holding on to anything. I can even crawl up the stairs. Although I get in trouble if I do it without Mommy or Daddy.
I have 7 teeth now and I'm trying out new foods everyday. My most recent favorites are Mexican food (I love Cheese Quesadillas and Mexican rice.)
I also love chicken, ravioli, biscuits, macaroni and cheese, and anything sweet. Mommy keeps trying to convince me to eat peas, carrots, and green beans but the other stuff is just so much better.
I'm also being weaned from the bottle. I'm down to one bottle a day (my bottle before bed.) I still get all of that formula but now I drink it from a cup.
I've added a few new words to my vocabulary. Along with Mama and Dada, I can say "Duck" and "That".
Lastly, as you can see from my pictures, I finally have just enough hair for pigtails. Mommy just loves it!