duckies, and
treats galore, what's not to like about
Easter? I woke up
Easter morning to find that the
Easter Bunny made a stop at our house. I got a basket full of goodies and couldn't wait to dig in!

I was very excited to play with all of my new toys but I did not like that
Easter grass. Thankfully Mommy disposed of it before I could drag it all over the house.

I got my very own pair of sunglasses, like Mommy and Daddy wear except mine are
After playing with all of my new toys, it was time to get ready for church. Aunt Megan came over and we all went together.
Unfortunately all of the pictures taken of Mommy, Daddy, and Me were all blurry.
I had fun at church except Mommy and Daddy wouldn't let me run around like I wanted to. I colored, read books, and ate GoldFish Crackers.

Did I mention that I loved my pink and silver Easter shoes?

After church we headed over to Aunt Amber's house for
Easter lunch and my 1st
Easter Egg Hunt (which was indoors due to rain.)
I had a great time playing with my cousins and visiting with my Great-Grandmother, my Grandma, and Aunt and Uncle.