Old McDonald Had a Farm!
(We'd like to appoligize for the delay in new postings. We've encountered some technical difficulties during the last few weeks which left us unable to blog. Some of the information in the upcoming blogs is no longer current but we wanted to share the moments with you anyhow!) 

My friend, Blake Zaiger just turned 3 and to celebrate he had a party at a real FARM! I was excited to see farm animals up close and personal and mommy made sure I was dressed for the occasion with new rain boots. (We had experienced over a week with rain before the party so the farm was pretty muddy.)
I saw goats, pigs, ponies, dogs, donkies, sheep, and cats. I was a little intimidated by their close proximity but loved the "train" ride. Blake's sister, Aivrey held on to me tight to make sure I felt secure. I talked about the Choo-Choo the rest of the day.
Thanks to the Zaigers for including me in the birthday fun, I had a great experience.