This year for Halloween I dressed up as a LadyBUG. I loved my costume so much and asked mommy several times before and after Halloween if I could wear it. Halloween was a week long holiday for me and started off the week before the actual date with a "Trunk or Treat" event at my school. I had a great time going for car to car and holding out my ELMO basket to collect candy but became very shy and wouldn't say "trick-or-treat" or "thank you." I also enjoyed seeing my classmates all dressed up and my teachers. My favorite part of the night was playing in the back of Daddy's truck and helping him to pass out treats.

Time to take a break from trick or treating and have a snack.

Here's me and one of my favorite classmates, McKenna.

This is a picture of Me and Mommy and my classmate, Jordon with his Mommy.
This is a picture of me with my teacher, Mrs. Morton. 

Halloween day Mommy, Daddy and I carved a pumpkin. Halloween evening Mommy took me to trick-or-treat at some of the neighbors' homes in our court. I quickly picked up on what to do but I was still shy and wouldn't say anything as our neighbors answered their doors. We also attended a Halloween party and I had a great time eating yummy treats and playing with new friends. I love Pumpkins and I love Halloween!