Christmas 2009 Part 1
5. Frosty the Snowman
1. Dora's Christmas (I must watch this a minimum of 2 x daily)
2. Frosty the Snowman
3. Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer
Primrose Early Preschool Christmas Party
Christmas Eve was a day full of excitement. That morning, Mommy and Daddy let me open one special gift from them. It was a Dora Car (for inside the house). I absolutely love it!
(about 45 minutes away in Joshua, TX.) In the midst of all of our fun, the winter storm of the season was brewing. Although the storm was exciting to me (because it brought SNOW) it worried Mommy and Daddy. We had to drive home in some pretty scarry conditions and Mimi, Grandpa, and Aunt Megan were slowing trying to make their way to our house from Oklahoma. Thankfully, they all made it safely without incident!
Although the weather was nail biting for most, I was estatic to find a snow covered house and yard on Christmas Morning.