A Note from Mommy...

I know it sounds trivial, but it's so hard for me to believe that two years have already come and gone. It seems like yesterday when you were born and I held you in my arms for the first time. I remember every detail.
The night before your birth...I worked a very long day. After work I spent an hour walking through Target. By the time I got home I was exhausted. Everything in my body ached. I told your Daddy that I needed to take a little nap and I laid down on my bed and slept about an hour. Daddy made me dinner, I ate, and then we went to Wal-Mart for our weekly grocery shopping. During the trip through Wal-Mart I told Daddy that my tummy felt funny. I didn't think it was contractions but it just didn't feel "normal." That night I had little sleep. I was sick to my stomach and spent the majority of the night in the bathroom.
The morning of your birth...I was worried that I could put you in danger. I had been sick all night and I couldn't keep anything down. I called Dr. Seligman's office and left a message. A few minutes later, Dr. Seligman himself called me back. He asked me a few questions and after talking we decided it would be best if I went to the hospital and let them check me out. I remember him asking, "Are you in Labor?" Since you were my first, I had no idea but it wasn't what I expected labor to "feel" like. I called Daddy and told him to come back home to take me to the hospital. Then I panicked! I needed to bathe and shave my legs. I jumped in the tub and got clean and then put makeup on. Daddy loaded me up in the car (with my bag...just in case) and we rushed to the hospital. We arrived around 10:00AM. They hooked me up to monitors and proceeded to check me out. While the nurse was in checking me, your heart rate dropped, drastically. She immediately called Dr. Seligman to let him know of my and your condition. Dr. Seligman said that if it was okay with me, I could have you today. I said, SURE!
They whisked me up to labor and delivery and started pitocin -to help induce labor. Not long after that, I got an epidural. Then I called and texted everyone near and dear to let them know you were coming today. Now on a side note, Daddy had just accepted a new job and had to go to sign paperwork. So he left me at the hospital. Dr. Seligman was very concerned about your heart-rate, which dropped very low again. He said that if it went down again he would be forced to perform a C-Section. I called and Daddy was back by my side -he didn't want to miss this. Through out the day I had a couple of visitors, I watched tv and was entertained my Mimi and Aunt Megan who rushed to town to be with me. I never once felt any pain until about 4:00. They upped the epidural and said you would probably come later that night, around 9pm. Things were progressing very well. At about 5:15 the nurse checked me and said I was fully dilated and it was time to push! She called Dr. Seligman in and the actual "labor" begin. I say this because this had been the easiest experience ever -not at all what I had anticipated. I probably pushed about 5-6 times and at 6:08PM on February 12, 2008, you were born. You were a perfect 6 pounds, 4 ounces and 19 1/2 inches long. It was amazing! Mimi, Grandpa, Aunt Megan, Tammaw, Pawpaw, Uncle Jason, Grandma and Barry were all there. After Daddy and I held you and admired you for the first time, they all took turns holding you. After your birth....you were the most alert newborn. Your eyes were opened wide as you observed your new surroundings and you had the prettiest, perfect red lips. You were a tiny, perfect package and you were mine.
The entire experience of my pregnancy and your birth was unbelievable and has changed my life. Since your birth I know my purpose in life. I am here to be your mother. It is my job to keep you healthy and safe, to teach you right from wrong. I will raise you to be a strong, honest young lady who is not afraid to try anything and who will be self confident. Experiencing my life with you and seeing the world through your eyes gives me a new perspective on everything. Thank you Lily for being such a wonderful gift from God.
Love, Mommy