Mimi's Birthday Fiesta!

This past weekend we celebrated the birthday of my sweet Mimi. To show our love we had a family Mexican Fiesta at our house. I helped Mommy get the house all party ready with a few decorations and we even party hats. Our celebration actually began on Friday night when Mimi, Grandpa, and Great-Aunt Linda came into town. We went out to dinner and Mimi got her crab legs. For dessert Grandpa treated me to my first ever experience at Krispy Kreme Donuts. Wow, that was an amazing experience!
Saturday was filled with hustle and bustle:
Breakfast, Dance Class, Attending a Friend's Birthday Party, and Mimi's Dinner.
We enjoyed Chips with Salsa, Queso, and Guacamole. For dinner Grandpa treated us to Cheese Enchiladas, Beans, and Rice ala El Fenix. My friends Kell and Chloe came to the party and we had our very own table. We enjoyed our lunchables and juice and had a BLAST playing upstairs in my playroom.

I have to add that the cherry on top of our wonderful party was the amazing birthday cake that Aunt Megan made. Mommy and Daddy have been fighting over the leftovers. I can tell you first hand, don't take chocolate away from a pregnant lady!
Happy Birthday my Sweet Mimi!