Baby Logan's Debut!

The day before...
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
I took the day off from work to "prepare" for Logan's induction. I was scheduled to be at Texas Health Arlington Memorial at 7:00 am on Thursday for them to induce labor.  To say I was nesting would have been a nice way to describe my manic state of cleaning.  By Wednesday evening everything was done, my mom arrived, and Mimi, Lily, Aaron, and I sat down to a yummy dinner that Aaron prepared.

That night I gave Lily a bath (something I hadn't been doing much due to the discomfort of a large baby belly.) We read books and I kissed her goodnight.  It was bittersweet knowing that the next day her (and our) lives would be changed forever.  We both talked excitedly about Logan's birthday.

Finally, around 10pm, I fought my anxiety and fell asleep. At 11:20AM I woke up with a very strong pain. I instantly stood up and realized that my pants felt wet. I ran to the bathroom. I had immense pressure on my bladder and relieved myself.  After changing my pajamas I laid back down and tried to go to sleep.  About 30 minutes later, the intense pain again.  Again, to the bathroom. I timed the pain and it was about a minute long. I went to the kitchen and got a pen and paper.

Thursday, March 24, 2011
I tried to sleep but started having anxiety.  Was I in labor? Something wasn't right but I surely didn't want to jump the gun. Then my O.C.D. kicked in...Finally at 1:30pm I decided to get up and take a shower. If this is the real thing I want to be clean, legs shaved, and hair washed.  (I know, I'm crazy!) After my hair was curled  :-) and the pains (which I realized were contractions) were about 15minutes apart, I awoke Aaron. I said, "We need to go, NOW." 

He slowly got up and in a sleepy stooper tried to get himself ready.  I'm being kind here folks...this man does not plan ahead.  I fought back tears through the most painful contractions I've ever felt in my life while Aaron spent the next 45 minutes or so getting his stuff together. (Love you Aaron!) Once in the car, I vented my anger at Aaron and the painful contractions which were now about 7-10 minutes apart. Then it happened, driving down I-30, my water broke! 

I had been leaking fluid all night but this was it. Aaron put the peddle to the metal and we drove 100mph down the interstate with lights flashing.  Finally, we arrived at the hospital. To add humor, every door we attempted was locked. What the hell? How do we get in here? Aaron desperately called Security to let us in while I dug through my purse checking to see if my badge would open the door.  This was NOT funny. I'm going to have this baby in a parking garage...without drugs... I think NOT!

Finally, security came and we raced through the hospital to labor and delivery (me in a wheel chair with lovely soaked pants.)  As soon as we hit the unit, the nurses flew into action and took me to the delivery room. 

5cm dilated, intense contractions about 7 minutes apart, lasting FOREVER...give me drugs NOW.  IV insertion, fluids, antibiotics. Check again...7cm dilated...I WANT MY EPIDURAL like yesterday...

Finally the anesthesiologist came in. I won't name names to protect the innocent (or assholes in this case) but he was Mr. Charming. Obviously annoyed that he was awakened at 4:00AM he tells me in a sarcastic tone that he will have to go over the risks associated with me moving during this procedure since I have a problem being still...HELLO, I'm in labor you idiot! Finally...I have drugs! Check again...time to push!

Logan is born. Thank You, GOD!

Weighing in at 6 pounds, 7 ounces and 19 1/2 inches long. He was a beautiful, healthy baby boy who looked exactly like his big sister and his daddy. My heart overflowed with love.  
Hello World!
Hello, Mommy!


Let's just say you sure know drama! We miss you already. Tell Logan how special he is to have you!

You story sounds almost like mine..I went into labor at 11:30 but wasn't sure and I totally took a shower too! HA! Except you looked WAY better than me!My husband was snoring through all my contractions and so wasn't interested. He is so handsome and congrats!

At least we know that all men are the same!

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