Being a Mom!

My Aunt forwarded me this poem and I couldn't have written it better myself. 
In honor of Mother's Day...

Before I was a Mom, 
I never tripped over toys 
or forgot words to a lullaby. 
I didn't worry whether or not 
my plants were poisonous. 
I never thought about immunizations. 
Before I was a Mom, 
I had never been puked on. 
Pooped on. 
Chewed on. 
Peed on. 
I had complete control of my mind 
and my thoughts. 
I slept all night.
 Before I was a Mom, 
I never held down a screaming child 
so doctors could do tests. 
Or give shots. 
I never looked into teary eyes and cried. 
I never got gloriously happy over a simple grin. 
I never sat up late hours at night 
watching a baby sleep.
Before I was a Mom, 
I never held a sleeping baby just because 
I didn't want to put her down. 
I never felt my heart break into a million pieces 
when I couldn't stop the hurt. 
I never knew that something so small 
could affect my life so much. 
I never knew that I could love someone so much. I never knew I would love being a Mom.
Before I was a Mom, 
I didn't know the feeling of 
having my heart outside my body.. 
I didn't know how special it could feel 
to feed a hungry baby. 
I didn't know that bond 
between a mother and her child. 
I didn't know that something so small 
could make me feel so important and happy. 

Before I was a Mom, 
I had never gotten up in the middle of the night 
every 10 minutes to make sure all was okay. 
I had never known the warmth, 
the joy, 
the love, 
the heartache, 
the wonderment 
or the satisfaction of being a Mom. 
I didn't know I was capable of feeling so much, 
before I was a Mom 
Mother's Day, 2011! 
My mother's day this year began with a bang. 
During my night feedings with Logan he began having issues. After nursing he began projectile vomiting. Twice in the night I was covered in spit up breast milk. After crying, stressing, and several trials I figured out that when nursing, Logan was overeating.  It's funny how different breast feeding has been with Lily and Logan. From the very beginning with Logan, my milk came in very fast and very full. Being the piggy that he is, Logan obliged.  I will say that trusting my motherly instinct and the old adage mother knows best benefited me and Logan in this situation. He has no issues (don't think this is reflux- sorry, doctor) when he eats from the bottle and is burped often. So now I'm pumping and giving bottled breast milk exclusively. Life has become more relaxed and more enjoyable. :-)  It's not only breastfeeding that has been so different between my two kids. I've decided that it's not really the babies that are so different rather the Mommy!  I recall with Lily feeding her, swaddling her, rocking her and running upstairs 10 times a night to re-wrap, re-calm, and re-give the pacifier. With Logan, I lay him in the bed and he puts himself to sleep. No crying! It is simply amazing. :-) Aaron and I are truly enjoying Logan. He's really getting personality now and starting to become more interactive. Aaron enjoys making faces at Logan and watching him mimic them. 

Lily is thriving in her new preschool class. She loves school and playing with her classmates. She is one active child. She has to be entertained and busy CONSTANTLY!  She loves her little brother and still thinks he's "sooo cute!" Lily is obsessed with Disney princesses and the idea of going to Disney.  She also loves to sing (a little off key) and dance. 

So, mother's day 2011 began with a bang but ended sweetly with both kiddos napping. :-) 
It's the little things these days.


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