Logan is 2 months old!

I swear we are moving at warped speed. How is it possible that my baby Logan is already 2 months old?
Logan's Birth Stats:
6 pounds, 7 ounces and 19.5 inches long
Logan's 2 Month Stats:
11 pounds, 9 ounces (in the 55 percentile for weight)
23 1/4 inches long (in the 69 percentile for height)

Logan eats a 4 ounce bottle every 3 hours. At night he takes a bottle around 7:30-8:00pm. He usually sleeps between 5-7 hours the first stretch of the night. :-) The second stretch is between 3-4 hours. He is a sweet baby with a wonderful temperament (unless he's hungry!) He puts himself to sleep at night. :-) He goes along with the flow and loves watching his big sister. 


I can't believe it has already been 2 months! Kathryn and Lily need to have a play date soon...that way we can keep up with eachother. :)

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