Texas Rangers vs. New York Yankees!
Let me fill you in on a few Baseball facts, just in case you're living under a rock and haven't heard the news. :-) The Texas Rangers won the American League West Championship. This took them into playoffs against the New York Yankees to vie for positioning in the World Series 2010. Mimi and Grandpa had a scheduled trip planned to visit us the weekend of Grandpa Charlie's Birthday on October 18. As a surprise, Daddy was able to secure 5 tickets to Game 1 of Rangers versus Yankees at the Ballpark in Arlington. For many years Mimi and Grandpa lived down the street from the Ballpark in Arlington and became avid Rangers Fans. Attending a playoff game was exciting for us all and we got to enjoy it together.
I must say that one of the highlights of the night for me was riding on a tour bus from nearby Lincoln Square to the Ballpark. How exciting!
Here's Daddy and Grandpa rushing to our seats. They didn't want to miss one minute of the game!
After several snacks, several trips to the bathroom, cheering, dancing, and coloring, I was ready to go home. That's when the Ranger's luck started to change. The game ended as a loss for us but the end of the series found the Rangers out-winning the Yankees. YAY! Now we're on to the World Series. I don't anticipate we will be viewing any of those games live, unless Daddy sells a kidney to buy us tickets!