Oh Boy!
Logan at 1 week old
It's hard to believe that Logan is a month old. Honestly, where does the time go? I'm convinced that the majority of my time during the day (and night for that matter) is spent breastfeeding and pumping. I've decided that I have a love/hate relationship with breastfeeding.
On one hand nursing is helping me shed the pregnancy weight. :-) Secondly, I'm convinced that breast milk is the best for the baby and I'm dedicated to giving Logan exclusively breast milk until he's six months old. My biggest issue is sitting still for 20-30 minutes straight every 3 hours. I suppose it's God's way of forcing me to relax and focus on Logan. Logan took to breastfeeding right away and is thriving. We lovingly refer to him as the little piggy (since he's no longer a skinny pig.) One thing's for certain, this baby loves to eat. I'm craving for him to stretch feedings out to every 4 hours but as of now, he's intent on our every 3 hour schedule. A few weeks ago I introduced him to the bottle. After nervously researching the best bottles for breastfed babies I went with a European line called Tommee Tippee. I'll admit, the bottle is rather strange looking and vividly resembles a human breast but hey, whatever works! I had a girlfriend give Logan his first bottle of breast milk and he downed it in no time. No nipple confusion for this little piggy! Whew, what a relief. I clearly recall Lily's hunger strike at 4 months old when we attempted to give her a bottle.
I will say that staying home (not working) confuses me. On one hand, I miss work, getting dressed up and the adult interaction and my work friends. On the other hand I realize how much more relaxed I am without having to Go-Go-Go all of the time. I'm enjoying sleeping in, watching cartoons with Lily and getting her dressed and ready for school. It's also nice to enjoy the time with her in the evenings without feeling pressured to follow our strict schedule and get everything ready for the next day. Perhaps when I return to work, I can release a little more control and try to relax more...there's always hope!
Logan is a good baby but he's already spoiled. He loves to be held and will sleep "like a baby" on anyone's lap or chest. I'm forced to use my sling or carrier to clean the house now because he doesn't like to be put down...another benefit to weight loss! Lily is doing great and LOVES being a big sister. She loves to help me calm Logan down and has mastered offering him his paci and showing him his toys. Logan loves to watch Lily but then again, who doesn't, the girl puts on quite a show!
Logan at 1 month old
Aaron and I are adapting to life with two. One thing is certain, life will never be boring. I think we agree that being a family of four suits us.