"C" is for Cupcake

Since Lily was born Aaron and I have bent over backwards to find fun and interesting things to do with her.  The last three years have been consumed with entertaining her and experiencing her joy in observing and learning new things.  I know that adding Logan to the mix had to be hard for Lily but she really has adapted well.  When I think back to life before Logan the reality is that Lily never had to want for anything. She had our constant attention ALL of the time.  Aaron and I both work very hard to make sure Lily knows how special she is. We didn't plan to but are delighted to have adopted one on one dates with her. Lily loves to run errands with Mommy. We enjoy lunch dates at McDonalds and shopping trips to WalMart, Target, the Mall and her favorite, Mardel.  With all of that excitment, it is my belief that Lily's favorite time with Mommy is bath and bedtime. Lily has a love of books and loves to be read to. I'm amazed at how well she listens and soaks up the stories. One week we spent reading stories from her Children's Bible. I was amazed later on at dinner one evening when she recited the story of Adam and Eve. She is so smart! Lily is also Daddy's helper and beams with pride when she helps him in the yard. She will do whatever he asks and works very hard to please him.  One Friday night Aaron and Lily decided to make Cupcakes (like Pinkalicious) and Lily shopped at Target to find princess cupcake tins, and pink frosting.  She followed the directions and assisted Aaron in mixing all of the ingredients, filling the tins, and eating the cupcakes of course.


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