My Sweet Logan Boy!

It's truly impossible for me to believe that Logan is already six months old. Seriously, where the heck has the time gone? If you haven't met Logan yet, you are missing out! He is the sweetest baby ever! He is so laid back, he goes with the flow (unlike his Mommy, Daddy, and Sissy.) He has the biggest brightest eyes that captivate your attention and a smile that will melt your heart.  As Lily has grown into Daddy's girl, I have made sure that Logan is his Momma's boy. He loves to be with people and will let you carry him around day and night. He is a healthy boy, weighing in at close to 17lbs.
Against my desire, Logan was enrolled in Daycare at Primrose (with Lily) at 3months old as I had to return to work.  From that point forward Logan has been plagued with a runny nose and dreadful ear infections. Sometimes it feels like deja vu as I endured the same experience with Lily. After 4 ear infections (or possibily one that never truely healed) in his 6 short months of life we have decided to pursue surgery. He will have tubes put in his ears to assist with proper drainage on November 4.  A major benefit to my job is developing working relationships with physicians. I was able to befriend an ENT and I feel very confident in her ability to resolve the ear infection issue. It's bewildering to me how a baby in such pain and discomfort can be so happy and sweet at the same time. Thank God for that!
In addition to ear infections, we also noticed that Logan has brachycephaly plagiocephaly. Plagiocephaly is a big word for saying flat spot on the back of the head.  Again, another deja vu moment as we went through this previously with Lily. Logan will be fitted with a head orthotic known as a DocBand on Friday, October 14. The doc band is hand made off of head measurements and 3D photo calculations. He will wear it 23 hours a day and his treatment should continue for 2-3 months dependant on how quickly he grows. The DocBand essentialy constricts the head growth in every area except the flat spot.  In the spirit of football, Logan's DocBand will mimic the Dallas Cowboys' football helmet. :-) We are so thankful to people and companies like Bullet Wraps who custom designed and created a Cowboys wrap for Logan's helmet.  Bullet Wraps created a not for profit group called WrapBuddies. They donate the time and materials and as their logo reads, "Building a little color into not so colorful situations."  Boy isn't that the truth. Now instead of people showing concern or staring and gawking at Logan, they approach us and tell us how cute he looks and love the Cowboys helmet! He's had a few issues with adjusting to the DocBand but all in all, he is doing well and wears it well.
Outside of ear and head issues, Logan is growing like a weed. He can sit up by himself. He's rolling and squriming all over the floor. He is eating oatmeal-cereal, vegetables, and fruit. He still is exclusively fed breastmilk.  He loves to be tickled by Daddy. He loves to be entertained with song and dance by Lily, and he loves his Mommy.  He sleeps through the night, usually from 8pm-5:30am and he's truely a joy to be with.


He is such a sweet, adorable boy!

Aunt Megan

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